In 2011, V Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste lead by His Excellency Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão formulated National Strategy Development Plan which is known as PEDN 2011-2030 as Timor-Leste’s holistic guideline for economic and infrastructure development including strategic plan for human capital development. Inspired by the national strategic development plan 2011-2030 to improve quality of human resources and specifically referred to article 59, point (4) of the Timor-Leste Constitution stated that “the State shall ensure the access of every citizen, in accordance to their abilities, to the highest levels of education, scientific research and artistic creativity”, the Ministry of Education of Timor-Leste take into consideration that science, technology and innovation…

The National Institute of Science and Technology of Timor-Leste (INCT) is pleased to announce the…
Pathways to a Science, Innovation and Technology Policy in Timor-Leste Please be informed that the…
I. Call for Funding for INCT 2023 Scientific Research ProjectsThe National Institute of Science and…
The National Institute of Science and Technology of Timor-Leste (INCT) is pleased to announce the…
I. Call for Funding for INCT 2023 Scientific Research ProjectsThe National Institute of Science and…
The National Institute of Science and Technology of Timor-Leste hereby announces the Call for INCT…
The National Institute for Science and Technology (INCT) is looking for short term contract for…
INTERNATIONAL PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR FOR THE INCT Category: C3Generic Character of Task: Design and Specialized Technical…