In 2011, V Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste lead by His Excellency Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão formulated National Strategy Development Plan which is known as PEDN 2011-2030 as Timor-Leste’s holistic guideline for economic and infrastructure development including strategic plan for human capital development.
Inspired by the national strategic development plan 2011-2030 to improve quality of human resources and specifically referred to article 59, point (4) of the Timor-Leste Constitution stated that “the State shall ensure the access of every citizen, in accordance to their abilities, to the highest levels of education, scientific research and artistic creativity”, the Ministry of Education of Timor-Leste take into consideration that science, technology and innovation are the key elements and determination component for ensuring the sustainability development of the country.
In that context, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports working together with a number of Timorese scientists from various higher education institutions lead by Dr. Afonso de Almeida from National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) prepared the concept for the establishment of National Institute for development of science and technology.
Finally, on September 3rd, 2014, Council Minister of V Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste approved the establishment of National Institute for Sciences and Technology (INCT) under Decree Law No. 23/2014, 3rd September. INCT is a public institute according to the Decree Law which endowed with legal characteristic of administrative, financial, patrimonial autonomy and preserve its intellectual right including scientific and editorial autonomy without prejudice to the State’s supervisory action under the law.
In the beginning of establishment, National Institute for Science Technology or INCT’s operational activities was supervised directly by the office of Vice-Minister of Education, Youth and Sports through Directorate General for Higher Education. Ministry of Education appointed Executive Secretary to temporarily handle the operational activities such as dissemination of information and research under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.
As soon as VIII Constitutional Government take over the government, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture (MESSC) endorsed new profile of INCT and proposed to Council Minister to approve the National Institute for Science and Technology (INCT) as a public institute, independent and fully autonomy.
In May 2019, Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Culture propose new profile of INCT to Council Minister according to Decree Laws No. 23/2014 which is composted of General Council, Scientific Council, Council of Fiscal and Executive Council. The new profile then endorsed and approved through Council Minister of VIII Constitutional Government meeting. Council Minister then appointed Dr. José Cornélio Guterres, Ph.D., and Dr. Afonso de Almeida, Ph.D., as President and Vice-President of Executive Council. Moreover, Minister of Education, Science and Culture (MESSC) appointed Dra. Maria Elsa Diogo Correia as Executive Secretary to handle the administration of the institute. In accordance to the Decreed Law No. 23/2014, 3rd September, Executive Council of INCT fully responsible to the national research activities as well as all operational activities of the INCT as a public institute.