Pathways to a Science, Innovation and Technology Policy in Timor-Leste
Please be informed that the deadline for submission of articles for the first number 2 of the Journal of Science and Technology of Timor-Leste of the National Institute for Science and Technology of Timor-Leste (INCT) has been extended until August 31, 2023.
For the year 2023, the INCT Journal will have as its theme Pathways Towards a Science, Innovation and Technology Policy in Timor-Leste, and is hereby inviting all researchers, teachers, scientists and interested parties to submit articles and reviews on this theme until August 31, 2023, to the following email addresses: revistacientifica@inct.gov.tl. and inct.revistacientifica@gmail.com.
Theoretical Framework
Through the theme Pathways to a Science, Innovation and Technology Policy in Timor-Leste, the researcher is invited to present, analyze and reflect on theoretical and practical situations that point paths to the development of a science, innovation and technology policy based on Timor-Leste’s reality, but never neglecting perspectives of concrete cases from other countries and international realities of science, innovation and technology. The aim is to present distinct visions about the possible paths for science in Timor-Leste (and in the world), and the possible definitions and redefinitions around a science, innovation and technology policy in the country. Some sub-themes can be explored, such as:
– What policies for science, innovation and technology are in Timor-Leste?
– The paths of science in the world and Timor-Leste – definitions and redefinitions around a policy for science, innovation and technology.
– General/specific pathways for exact sciences, social sciences and humanities and innovation and technology in Timor-Leste and the world;
– Copyrights, licenses, open data and open science, indexing, among others;
– National and international strategic partnerships to achieve a science, innovation and technology policy;
– The major challenges for science and scientific research in higher education.
– Funding for science, technology and innovation – main challenges;
– Scientific research in Timor-Leste: main problems/challenges and proposals for improvement/development of scientific research quality;
– The Path of Governmental actions around science, technology and innovation;
– The relationship of science, innovation and technology policy in Timor-Leste with the challenges of the Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 (NSDP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN);
– The relationship of the science, innovation and technology policy in Timor-Leste with the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO);
– Other themes may be presented;
Selection of the Work
Articles and studies of theoretical or empirical character, reviews and essays are accepted. For other proposals (such as books, for instance) it is necessary to contact directly the INCT, through the available contacts.
The selection of papers for the journal will have as editorial criteria the importance and scientific quality, as well as the pedagogical and/or innovative character of the texts.
Evaluation criteria for selection of papers (articles, books, reviews):
1. Suitability to the journal’s theme
2. Originality
3. Organization and clarity of ideas
4. Use of technical-scientific language/terminology
5. Methodology
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliographical adequacy
Editorial Standards
Personal Data
Put the name of the author of the article, academic qualifications, institutional affiliation (if any), occupation and personal e-mail. If you have ORCID ID or Ciência Vitae id, you may provide it. Please send the Personal Data in the body of the e-mail or a separate document from the article.
Technical Aspects
Margins: 2.5 cm.
Typeface: Times New Roman.
Font Size: Article Title: Letra14, Bold. Titles and subtitles: font 12, Bold. Body text: 12-point font.
Line spacing: 1.5. Justified text.
The first page should contain
Title in Portuguese; Abstract in Portuguese; Keywords in Portuguese; Abstract in English (Abstract); Keywords in English.
The title of the article is at the top of the page, aligned to the centre, in Times New Roman font, size 14, in Portuguese.
Abstract: maximum of 500 characters, including spaces.
Keywords: maximum of 5.
Abstract: Maximum of 500 characters, including spaces.
Key-Words: Maximum of 5, in English.
Articles may not exceed 10.000 words.
APA standard
All authors are asked to use the APA standard (6th Edition).
Citations in the body of the text:
Author-date citation in the body text: (Last name, year, p.). Ex: However, “the world economy is becoming increasingly globalized” (Smith, 2007, p. 109).
Direct quotations with more than three lines: separate and isolate the quotation of the text, and place it with letter size 10, left margin 6 cm; other margins 2.5 cm, without inverted commas and with an author-date quotation.
Final Bibliography
SMITH, Thomas (2017). The Economics of Inequalities. Lisbon: Atual Editora.
Journal Article
TAYLOR, Charles (2005). The Epistemological Implications of the South. Journal of Education, 2 (1), 3-9.
Newspapers and Magazines
SILVA, Miguel (1999, September 15). The Problematic of Good and Evil. Newspaper O País, pp. 23-27.
If you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: inct.revistacientifica@gmail.com or inct.secretariado@gmail.com.
The Editor,
Filipe Abraão Martins do Couto